What you will learn from this book * The core Inversion of Control container and the concept of Dependency Injection * Spring's Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) framework and why AOP is important in J2EE development * How to use Spring's programmat
To show how to use iBATIS with Spring database layer. Database programming involves database connections, connection pools, SQL statements, input and output, and transactions. JAVA JDBC is a low level API, and thus several attempts to enhance it in
中文版的Spring核心技术文档。 Spring Framework 开发参考手册 Rod Johnson Juergen Hoeller Alef Arendsen Colin Sampaleanu Rob Harrop Thomas Risberg Darren Davison Dmitriy Kopylenko Mark Pollack Thierry Templier Erwin Vervaet Portia Tung Ben Hale Adrian Colyer John Lewis