ClsCreator 是一个中文的as3代码生成库, 以非常oo, 迅捷, 自动的方式生成需要的代码, 忘掉容易出错, 可维护性又差的模板生成方式吧
hello world
var cls:Cls = new Cls("HelloWorld", new Pack(""));
cls.setSuperClass(new SuperCls(Sprite));
var v:Var = new Var("tea", String);
var m:M
Soft Mask v1.3.1
所支持的Unity版本:5.4.5 及以上版本
Soft Mask is a UI component that masks child elements. It works almost like standard Unity’s UI Mask but supports gradients and semi-transparency.
Demo | Documentation | Support Thread
Easy to use: just drop
CH Optimize is an add-on plugin for use on some Content Management Systems (CMS), that performs several front-end optimizations to speed up your website. These optimizations include, combining css and javascr ipt files into one to reduce http request