做网站或某些基于网络的软件可能需要根据用户端IP地址查询其物理地址信息,那么就会用到IP数据库。本文件是我根据2011年5月份的纯真IP数据库进行整合而成,合并了部分同一地区IP,将原来的记录由30多万缩减到17万多条,并将其中的IP数据格式转换成了整数形式,方便查询,提高了查询效率。 附:IP格式转换可参考下面两个VB.NET函数 Public Shared Function GetIpFromInt32(ByVal value As UInt32) As String Return (va
2012.5最新 For Win32 operating systems a binary package is available as an NSIS installer in sqliteodbc.exe. It was made with SQLite 2.8.17/3.7.12 and a MinGW cross compiler, and contains the driver DLLs and programs for installation and uninstallatio
Refer to the online documentation (made with DoxyGen) and/or get the current source code or the SRPM. For Win32 operating systems a binary package is available as an NSIS installer in sqliteodbc.exe. It was made with SQLite 2.8.17/3.10.0 and a MinGW