DLL to Lib is a magical tool which can convert a DLL into its equivalent static library file. After that, you can replace the original DLL with the static library, rebuild your application, and distribute it without the DLL! The most exciting thing
wxWidgets-2.8.12-gcc-4.7.1-mono-static.zip wxWidgets 2.8.12静态编译库 CSDN发布地址: 编译工具:TDM-GCC 4.7.1 DEBUG编译命令: set mingw=C:\CodeBlocks\mingw471 set path=%mingw%\bin set flags=INCLUDE="%mingw%\include" LIB="%mingw%\\lib" set opts=BUILD=debug UNICODE=1 VEND
第一次启用visdom.server,需要Downloading scr ipts.It might take a while。大家可以直接将static文件夹添加覆盖到Lib\site-packages\visdom中,然后注释掉server.py中download_scr ipts部分,即可使用visdom.