OmniGraffle-5说明书 OmniGraffle是由The Omni Group制作的一款绘图软件,其只能于运行在Mac OS X和iPad平台之上。它曾获得2002年的苹果设计奖[1]。 OmniGraffle可以用来绘制图表,流程图,组织结构图以及插图,也可以用来来组织头脑中思考的信息,组织头脑风暴的结果,绘制心智图,作为样式管理器,或设计网页或PDF文档的原型。 它具有采用拖放的所见即所得界面。所谓的"Stencils"—一组用于拖放的形状—可以作为OmniGraffle的插件使
The Polycom Visio Stencil Library is designed to allow our partners, customers, and associates to illustrate Polycom solutions integrated within network environments. These tools are provided in .vss file format, so you need Microsoft Visio Standard
用于visio 2007的uml模版,使用说明: Stencil and Template for Visio 2007 This stencil for Visio 2007 contains all the same shapes as the stencil for Visio 2003, as Visio 2007 has almost the same functionality as Visio
VISIO素材库(IBM完全版),压缩包内共25个文件,包含IBM服务器、网络设备等等的Visio素材。原版英文说明如下: Collection Owner - IBM The suggested stencil directory for Visio 2003, and 2007 is My Documents\My Shapes\IBM All stencils work best on pages of scale 1:2 to 1:30 - Template pages with th