「网络狙击兵」是一款优秀的浏览器防火墙软件。它适用于 Microsoft Windows 9X / ME / NT / 2000 / XP 操作系统,专门用于拦截浏览器的弹出式广告和恶意网页代码对本地注册表的操作。它能实时地在后台为您监视您的浏览器操作,以保证您上网冲浪有一个安全干净的网络环境。本软件使用了先进的模糊过滤技术和近似过滤技术,对广告和恶意代码的过滤效果很好。我们同样也保留了很人性化的设计,开放了部分过滤器的扩充接口给用户。对于本软件无法过滤的广告,用户可以通过添加窗口名称来达到绝
Eastern Asian Language Suppor:This module is used for displaying Eastern Asian Language in a PDF file. Eastern Asian Language can’t be displayed properly without it. 下载之后,把它放到Foxit安装目录下即可。即跟foxit reader.exe(PDF阅读器.exe)同个目录。
Today, the ANSI C++ programming language is widely used throughout the world in both academia and industry. In many educational institutions it is the language of choice for a first programming course and for a language to be used for computer scien
Beetle.netpackage is a multi-platform socket TCP communication component, provides a unified object describing the Protocol rules, objects can be used to describe TCP communication interaction. Suppor...