m=0; n=0; b=50; w=0; for a=0:0.1:36 for c=0:0.1:2*pi for l=0:0.05:30 w=l; for k=-l:0.05:l z=a^2/60; t=(450+30*z-a*cos(c)*k)/(z+15); if (15-t-z)~=0 p=a*cos(c)+( 1/30*a*cos(c)*t-a*cos(c))*(25015-z)/(15-t-z); ...展开收缩
实际的通信系统是一个功能结构相当复杂的系统, 在对原有的通信系统做出改进或建立一个新系统之前, 通常需 要对这个系统进行建模和仿真, 通过仿真结果衡量方案的可行性, 对这个系统做出的任何改变都可能影响到整个系统的性 能和稳定。文中将 MA T L A B应用在通信系统仿真, 对包含使能信号及端口的系统以及包含一个触发加使能子系统的表决 器进行仿真分析, 从中选择最合理的系统配置和参数设置, 提供应用于实际系统中所需的参考数据。
英文版建模论文写作(内为英文) Title The Title should be concise and noticeable,the most important point is that it can reflect purport . It can’t be not only too vague but also tediously long. It requires less than 12 words. The title is plain and specific,most p
数学建模,美国赛,可以参考下 Summary This paper describes model testing of baseball bats with the purpose of finding the so-called “sweet spot”. We establish two models and solve three problems. Basic model describes sweet spot which isn’t this spot at the end of
美国大学生数学建模竞赛2012试题2012 ICM Problem Modeling for Crime Busting Your organization, the Intergalactic Crime Modelers (ICM), is investigating a conspiracy to commit a criminal act. T