TCP/IP is the most fundamental protocol that drives the whole of the internet. A deep understanding of them is necessary for any wannabe network administrator/programmer/analyst etc. Richard Stevens TCP/IP illustrated is one of the best books you ca
本章我们要讨论的问题是只对T C P / I P协议簇有意义的I P地址。数据链路如以太网或令牌 环网都有自己的寻址机制(常常为48 bit地址),这是使用数据链路的任何网络层都必须遵从 的。一个网络如以太网可以同时被不同的网络层使用。例如,一组使用T C P / I P协议的主机和 另一组使用某种P C网络软件的主机可以共享相同的电缆。
CommView is a program for monitoring Internet and Local Area Network (LAN) activity capable of capturing and analyzing network packets. It gathers information about data passing through your dial-up connection or Ethernet card and decodes the analyz
As the development of LAN (Local Area Network), the management of a LAN becomes more and more hard. So, some software had been built to solution the management problems, NetRoboCop was one of them.Computer in the LAN use MAC to communication each ot