使用GVF域和VFC域进行图片分割 % Vector field convolution (VFC) external force field example. % % See also AMT, EXAMPLE_PIG, AM_VFC, AM_VFK, AC_DISPLAY. % % Reference % [1] Bing Li and Scott T. Acton, "Active contour external force using % vector field convoluti
Create and develop exciting games from start to finish using SFML About This Book Familiarize yourself with the SFML library and explore additional game development techniques Craft, shape, and improve your games with SFML and common game design ele
Get ready for a fun-filled experience of learning Java by developing games for the Android platform Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems presently. It uses the most popular programming language, Java, as the primary language f
unity蛇大战方块游戏源码 要求Unity 5.6.1 或更高版本。 Snake VS Block is the actual trendy game on the AppStore! The goal here is to collect as much food as you can to make your snake grow, while you are exploding the blocks toat are blocking your way. Each time you h
android-lab3 Simple game à la snake using sensors This is project created some years ago for university course. Code is a bit legacy and isnt well organized. App is written in Kotlin and uses canvas.
The First Python Selfbot for Slack Workspaces :white_medium_star:
What is this?
Slacky is a self-bot for Slack. What is a selfbot? Unlike a normal Slack Bot, Slacky makes all it's request using your personal user token so that it can act as you. Ther