An easy configurable Flash 3D-TagCloud you can find in the download area (files) of and This free charge TagCloud (Text-Link-Cloud) can be integrated easily into your own homepage and can be customized individually.
tag-cloud for sites Single tag more than 12 characters, multiple keywords separated by a space, fill up to five. Click on the right side of my Tag can quickly add
* Tag cloud demo based on word frequency
* author: unknown
* since: 2007-02-27
// Store frequency of words in an array
$freqData = array();
// Random words
来源:Licence:MIT平台:iOS设备:iPhone / iPad作者:Huffington Post Labs
生成标签云(tag cloud)效果。 小编注:此代码没有demo,不过用法很简单,可以去代码出处的github页面查看,或者见下面: dispatch_async( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{ // This runs in a back