PART 1 FOUNDATIONS ......................................................................1 1 ■ Clojure philosophy 3 2 ■ Drinking from the Clojure firehose 20 3 ■ Dipping our toes in the pool 43 PART 2 DATA TYPES . ...................................
《102个组合数学问题》是美国奥林匹克数学集训队的培训资料,也是组合数学领域一本难得的问题集。 "102 Combinatorial Problems" consists of carefully selected problems that have been used in the training and testing of the USA International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) team. Key features: * Provides
使用非确定性技术和球形工具获得用于加工STL表面的螺旋路径渐进成形J.L. Huertas-Talon et al. Computer-Aided Design 50(2014)41-50
Triangle i
Side il, 12, 13
Triangle A
Sidej1,j2, j3
Side side
Contour side
sid∈2△→ no contour
Store side i, as contour
Fig 2. Condition of one side
The electromagnetic field in homogeneous plasma anisotropic medium can be expressed as the addition of the first and second spherical vector wave functions in plasma anisotropic medium. The tangential electromagnetic fields are continued in the bound
An analytic solution to the scattering of the zero-order Bessel beam by a spheroidal particle is constructed on the basis of the generalized Lorenz-Mie theory (GLMT). The spheroidal beam shape coefficients (BSCs) of the zero-order Bessel beam are dir
A time-resolved multispectral X-ray imaging approach with new version of multi-channel Kirkpatrick-Baez (KB) microscope is developed for laser plasma diagnostics at the kilojoule-class Shenguang-II laser facility (SG-II). The microscope uses a total