// Find Password from winlogon in win2000 / winnt4 + FindPass.cpp // 1. http://www.smidgeonsoft.com/ // 2. shotgun add comment, bingle change a little to find other user in winlogon // This code is licensed under the te rms of the GPL (gnu public l
C++编写的具有病毒基本功能的程序设计 实现的功能 (1)在主程序中要求将程序拷贝到系统盘\windows\目录下并更名为taskmgr.exe,同时复制第二份到系统盘\windows\system32目录下并更名为explorer.exe。用以混淆用户对病毒的第一判断。 (2)程序建立两个windows进程,每个进程每一个时钟周期检查另外一个进程是否正在运行。如果存在弹出对话框“I’m still in our computer!”,如果不存在启动另一个进程并弹出对话框“I’m still
Advanced Taskmgr, helping you manage you tasks easily under XP, the difference between it and C:\WINDOWS\system32\taskmgr.exe is that it can find out the directory of the tasks, showing the DLL that tasks use,PID, user,etc. More features, please dow