// ============================================================================= // FILE: StdString.h // AUTHOR: Joe O'Leary (with outside help noted in comments) // // If you find any bugs in this code, please let me know: // // jmoleary@earthlink.
{ datetime.inc}{ version.inc}const helplines=120;helpdata:array[1..helplines] of pchar=(‘RealMedia Analyzer, Version ‘+Version+‘ build ‘+_DATETIME_,‘Copyleft (C) 2000-2003 Virtual Research‘,‘‘,‘Usage: rma [command] ‘,‘‘,‘Command must start with a hy
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KGB Archiver console version ?005-2006 Tomasz Pawlak, tomekp17@gmail.com, mod by Slawek (poczta-sn@gazeta.pl) based on PAQ6 by Matt Mahoney PAQ6v2 - File archiver and compressor. (C) 2004, Matt Mahoney, mmahoney@cs.fit.edu This program is free softw