Loki is the name of a C++ software library written by Andrei Alexandrescu as part of his book Modern C++ Design. The library makes extensive use of C++ template metaprogramming and implements several commonly used tools: typelist, functor, singlet
1、打开Keil安装目录下的TOOLS.INI 在[UV4](最上面一行的一个标识)下BOOk0下加一行CDB0=UV4\STC.CDB("STC CPU Data Base"),其它的别动! 2、关闭保存。从新打开Keil uVision新建工程完毕后,会出现一个数据库选择项,选择“STC CPU Data Base”即可。
c6000系列所有DSP芯片支持库,支持CCS2.2/3.3/4.2.4 Contents -------- - NEW FEATURE - ZIPFILE CONTENTS - INSTALLATION INFORMATION - CONTACTING TI NEW FEATURE ----------- Added both the libraries lib_2x and lib_3x with respect to the Codegen tools corresponding to
JQuery Plotter图表类库 v1.5源码 源码描述 现在网络上有大量的Javascr ipt图表类库。 本源码在演示如何整合Javascr ipt图表类库在ASP.NET(Adam.JSGenerator),如何建立客户图表取决于您的需要。 已经修正之前版本中出现的问题。并添加了许多新功能 来自51ASPXIn the version 1.5, you can choose any datasouce. In the previous versions and the first t