This is a short overview of how scr ipting inside Unity works. scr ipting inside Unity consists of attaching custom scr ipt objects called behaviours to game objects. Different functions inside the scr ipt objects are called on certain events. The m
unity3d圣典中文手册是一个简短的Unity脚本手册 Unity的脚本功能,是通过将自定义的脚本附加到物体对象构成的,我们称之为行为,脚本中有各种函数被不同的事件所调用,下面几个最常用的: Update: This function is called before rendering a frame. This is where most game behaviour code goes, except physics code. 这个函数在运行一帧之前被调用.这是很多游戏运行行为代码的