Abstract The vision of ubiquitous computing is becoming a reality thanks to the advent of portable devices and the advances in wireless networking technologies. It aims to facilitate user tasks through seamless utilization of services available in t
商业普适计算(Ubiquitous Computing for Business) 在全年365天、每周七天、每天廿四小时全球范围内找到新市场、建立更好的业务、获得客户 (Find New Markets, Create Better Businesses, and Reach Customers Around The World 24-7-365) Author: BO BEGOLE Publisher: FT Press Year: 2011 No. of Pages: 269
B-trees have become, de facto, a standard for file organization. File indexes of users, dedicated database systems, and general-purpose access methods have all been proposed and nnplemented using B-trees This paper reviews B-trees and shows why they
The authors identify two key characteristics of ubiquitous computing systems, physical integration and spontaneous interoperation. They examine how these properties affect the design of ubicomp software and discuss future directions.