Pinyin4j is a popular Java library supporting convertion between Chinese characters and most popular Pinyin systems. The output format of pinyin could be customized. During Mar 22, 2006 - Mar 22, 2009, pinyin4j has 13,542 visits and 10,608 downloads
汉字转拼音java包 I. Main Features 1. Support convertion from Chinese character (both Simplified and Tranditional) to different Chinese Romanization systems 2. Support various target Chinese Romanization systems, including Hanyu Pinyin, Tongyong Pinyin, Wa
jpinyin - A opensource java library for converting chinese to pinyin JPinyin是一个汉字转拼音的Java开源类库,在PinYin4j的功能基础上做了一些改进。 【JPinyin主要特性】 1、准确、完善的字库; Unicode编码从4E00-9FA5范围及3007(〇)的20903个汉字中,JPinyin能转换除46个异体字(异体字不存在标准拼音)之外的所有汉字; 2、拼音转换速度快; 经测试,转换Unicode编码从4