Sun 官方 J2ee 5.0 教程 The Java EE 5Tutorial For Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Contents Preface ..................................................................................................................................................29
JAXB(Java Architecture for XML Binding)是一种特殊的序列化/反序列化工具。它可以使XML数据以Java Objects的形式直接应用于Java程序之中,使Java Objects与XML数据之间的转换成为可能。在JAXB中将Java Objects到XML数据的转换称为marshal;XML数据到Java Objects的转换称为unmarshal。
webservice、fusioncharts、xml解析 里面三个项目 public static List parseXml(String xmlStr,String startStr,String endStr,Class clazz){ List reList = new ArrayList(); if(xmlStr==null||"".equals(xmlStr)){ reList = null; }else{ List tmpList = getStr4Arr(xmlStr,sta
开源项目,Gabs is a small utility for dealing with dynamic or unknown JSON structures in golang. It's pretty much just a helpful wrapper around the golang json.Marshal/json.Unmarshal behaviour and map[string]interface{} objects. It does n
开源项目,Gabs is a small utility for dealing with dynamic or unknown JSON structures in golang. It's pretty much just a helpful wrapper around the golang json.Marshal/json.Unmarshal behaviour and map[string]interface{} objects. It does n
反序列化 Unmarshal()
// Unmarshal parses the JSON-encoded data and stores the result
// i
json 是当前最常用的数据传输格式之一,纯文本,容易使用,方便阅读,在通信过程中大量被使用。
你是否遇到过json中某个字段填入某种类型都适合而陷入两难境地? (例如:定义了一个port字段,你却不知道是填入 8080 ,还是 “8080” 的尴尬局面)
json: cannot unmarshal number into Go struct field Host.port of type string