Separate behavior from structure using unobtrusive Javascr ipt. Add dynamic effects with progressive enhancement. Ensure backwards-compatibility through graceful degradation.
In the last few years a large technological jump has taken place in the field of mobile communications due to the introduction of new mobile communication networks (GSM/PCN). The number of subscribers worldwide has risen to over 150 Million. The req
ShiftZoom.js allows you to add zoom and pan functionality to oversized images on your webpages. It uses unobtrusive javascr ipt to keep your code clean. It works in all the major browsers - Mozilla Firefox 1.5+, Opera 9+, IE 6+ and Safari. Works als
Unobtrusive Ajax is about making web applications that work for everyone all the time, even if you have Javascr ipt turned off, or you're using a mobile phone or a screen reader, or however you happen to be using the Web. It's about the separation o