TRegExpr Delphi/Kylix/FreePascal library Easy to use and powerfull tool for sophisticated search and substitutioning and for template-based text checking (especially usefull for user input validation in DBMS and web projects). You can va lidate
1,01.zipCalling Stored Procedures调用存储过程(8KB)2,02.zipCreate Access data source name dynamically动态创建Access的数据源名(5KB)3,03.zipUsing DAO to read data sources other than MS Acc ess使用DAO读MS Access以外的数据源(6KB)4,04.zipHow to use RecordSets without using the A
What is LUA? LUA is a scr ipting language, its power lies in the fact that it can be embedded in your C++ programs. scr ipts give you the possibility to change the behaviour of your C++ programs without any need to recompile your program. A real wor