v3.17 * updated libFLAC to version 1.2.1 * added a flush after every log line to help GUIs * "eac3to some.mpls" now also works if the stream files aren't there, anymore * fixed: number of subtitles was not appended to demuxed subtitles' file name *
全志R16平台编译linux系统V1.0.txt 2017/4/11 13:36 (编译请使用编译android的lichee的选项编译生成的.config文件,不然直接编译会报错!!!!) rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/linux_r16$ tar zxvf lichee_parrotv1.1_20161202.tar.gz rootroot@cm-System-Product-Name:/home/wwt/linux_r16$ cd l
爱立信 PKN 系列 DC/DC 电源pdf,爱立信 PKN 系列 DC/DC 电源Mechanical data
Top view
Dimensions in mm(in)
Connections Single output
Connections Dual output
Pin Designation Function
Pin Designation Function
1 LO
Local on/off. Turns the module off immediately after