VAX垃圾注册信息全自动清理器,解决安装时提示“The security key for this program currently stored on your system does not appear to be valid for this version of the program。”亲测有效。
va资源在我个人主页上也可下载。 va过期后,卸载重装 ,需要输入key,输入后还是无法使用。原因是注册表没清理干净。 VAX垃圾注册信息全自动清理器,解决安装时提示“The security key for this program currently stored on your system does not appear to be valid for this version of the program。”亲测有效。
VAX垃圾注册信息全自动清理器 VAX垃圾注册信息全自动清理器,解决安装时提示“The security key for this program currently stored on your system does not appear to be valid for this version of the program。”亲测有效。