1. A practical approach to motion generation and control for an omnidirectional mobile robot Paromtchik, I.E.; Rembold, U. Robotics and Automation, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE International Conference on 8-13 May 1994 Page(s): 2790-2795 vol.4 Digi
On average, 60% of the world's people and cargo is transported by vehicle that move on rubber tires over roadways of various construction, composition, and quality. The number of such vehicles, including automobiles and all manner of trucks, increas
The operational properties of the road vehicle are the result of the dynamic interaction of the various components of the vehicle structure possibly including modern control elements. A major role is played by the pneumatic tyre. “The complexity of
Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle technology holds much promise for reducing the demand for petroleum in the transportation sector. Its potential impact is highly dependent on the system design and in particular, the energy storage system. This paper
This paper deals with a novel vehicle manufacturer and model recognition scheme, which is enhanced by color recognition for more robust results. A probabilistic neural network is assessed as a classifier and it is demonstrated that relatively simple