To make it easier for you, please have a look at ALL of the following samples. Most probably your upcoming question during developing with WinLIKE will be answered here. Please see the source code of the samples and the associated files to learn how
NW.js is an app runtime based on Chromium and node.js. You can write native apps in HTML and Javascr ipt with NW.js. It also lets you call Node.js modules directly from the DOM and enables a new way of writing native applications with all Web techno
Wind.js is an advanced library which enable us to control flow with plain Javascr ipt for asynchronous programming (and more) without additional pre-compiling steps.
sockjs.js websocket api 亲测可用 if(this.websocket==null) { // 首先判断是否 支持 WebSocket if ('WebSocket' in window) { this.websocket = new WebSocket( "ws://"+this.vbshopURL+"/layim/server?id="+id); } else if ('MozWebSocket' in win dow) { this.websocket = new