Learn the MFC C++ Classes Introduction Learn the MFC C++ Classes Acknowledgment Chapter 1—Windows and MFC Windows Operating Systems and MFC C++ Compilers and MFC Windows User Inputs to a Window Messages MFC and Windows OS Interaction The Structure o
RELEASE NOTES FOR MICROSOFT(R) TCP/IP-32 FOR WINDOWS(TM) FOR WORKGROUPS 3.11 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE DOCUMENT General ------- This product is compatible with, and supported exclusively on, the Microsoft Windows For Workgroups 3.11 platform. If you a
软件介绍:1994年2月15日微软公司发行了Windows for WorkGroup3.11版。与之前的Windows 3.0和3.1比较, Windows for Workgroups 3.11加入了点对点,点对多,以及域的支持。内建的网络支持,使得用户在 系统执行的时候很简单地访问,设置网络。但是Windows for Workgroups 3.11不支持因特网拨号网络 模式,它需要安装第三方的软件,才能使用这个功能,而且还常常和系统自身的网络功能冲突。 在用户界面上来说,Windows
Microsoft WIN32S Version 1.3 for Windows 3.X/9X Microsoft WinG Version 1.0 for Windows 3.X/9X WIN32S和WinG是两个历史颇久远的插件了,当年在Windows 3.X乃至Windows 95/98下玩一些游戏必备哦!这种插件因年代久远已经难以找寻,所以特来共享!
提示框程序,Everyone knows the ToolTip control (the programmer ones!!) which are included in the Common Controls version 4.0 since Win95 (that’s what saw first, I haven't ever caught the Win3.11). Since then the control itself have been modified and enhan