能够解锁那些无法删除的顽固文件 How often have you tried to delete or rename a file or folder and got "Cannot delete xxx: It is being used by another person or program." ? Unlocker is a tool which will help you removing this scandaleous Windows bug. Simply right cl
jQuery blockUI plugin Version 2.39 (23-MAY-2011) Demos: $(document).ready(function() { $('#demo1').click(function() { $.blockUI({ message: $('#loginForm') }); setTimeout($.unblockUI, 2000); }); }); // override these in your code to change the defaul
中都有),表示Address of the work area handle,也是说,它是SQL工作区域这个对象的句柄(相当于是该对象在oracle系统级别上的一个标识符(identity),类似,一个人,在中国范围内,有一个的区别于别人的身份证号。也类似锁是对象的中介一样。是一种表示地址的句柄)的值。Each SQL statement stored in the sha