《Struts 2.0.0 - Struts URL及A标签远程命令执行漏洞探测 V1.1》 使用说明: 运行EXE程序,输入扫描站点的任意一个URL入口链接地址, 若提示扫描是否包含顶级域名下的所有页面,根据提示输入即可。 结果保存在程序同目录下“result_域名.txt”文件中。 Notice: This is a tool used to scan last two days out of the new Apache struts2 Vuln erability M
使用vb控制105s打印机指令打印标签,Private Sub Print_Test_SN(Model_Name As String, WeekDate As Date, SN As Long) Dim filehandle As Integer Dim ModelName As String Dim yearweek As String Dim str_vale() As String Dim Vale As String Dim SN_36 As String Dim Model As S