jXLS is a small and easy-to-use Java library for writing Excel files using XLS templates and reading data from Excel into Java objects using XML configuration.
Below is a list of Skein files included on the NIST submission CD, along with a very brief descr iption of each file. In both the reference and optimized directories, all C files should be compiled to generate a SHA3 NIST API "library" for Skein. ++
以下内容通过C#及VB.NET代介绍如何给Excel文档添加数字签名,以及删除Excel文档中已有的数字签名。工具使用最近发布的Spire.XLS for .NET 版本10.11.2,可在官网下载包,或者通过Nuget搜索下载;编辑代码前,注意先将Spire.XLS.dll添加引用到VS,并添加相应using指令,如下添加引用效果:
二、C# / VB示例代码
1. 添加数字签名
using Spire.Xls;
using Spire.Xls.Core.MergeSp