This is the official red book to IBM's new enterprise application (web) server. The document explains you everything you need to know to get started on this new server. Good source of information from Java, PHP, Groovy, up to Transactional Databases
Efficient data transfer through zero copy 1、The read() call causes a context switch (see Figure 2) from user mode to kernel mode. Internally a sys_read() (or equivalent) is issued to read the data from the file. The first copy (see Figure 1) is perf
Binary Preferences Rapidly fast and lightweight re-implementation of SharedPreferences which stores each preference in files separately, performs disk operations via NIO with memory mapped byte buffers and works IPC (between processes). Written from
两万字长文从虚拟内存、I/O 缓冲区,用户态&内核态以及 I/O 模式等等知识点全面而又详尽地剖析 Linux 系统的 I/O 底层原理,分析了 Linux 传统的 I/O 模式的弊端,进而引入 Linux Zero-copy 零拷贝技术的介绍和原理解析,将零拷贝技术和传统的 I/O 模式进行区分和对比,帮助读者理解 Linux 内核对 I/O 模块的优化改进思路。 全网最深度和详尽的 Linux I/O 及零拷贝技术的解析文章。