AJAX = Asynchronous Javascr ipt And XML AJAX = 异步Javascr ipt和可扩展标记语言 AJAX is a technology that uses Javascr ipt and XML to send and receive data between a web browser and a web server. AJAX是一种运用Javascr ipt和可扩展标记语言(XML),在网络浏览器和服务器之间传送或接受数据的技术。
Ajax高级程序设计教程 一本Ajax入门好书,适合Ajax初、中级开发人员. This practical guide shows you how to make your Java web applications more responsive and dynamic by incorporating new Ajaxian features, including suggestion lists, drag-and-drop, and more. Java developers can
富客户端(Rich Internet Application 简称RIA)技术和AJAX 本质上来说,RIA技术将鲁棒的图形用户接口(graphical user interface 简称GUI)和基于浏览器的信息处理系统结合起来。如果做到这样,那么就将C/S模式的胖客户端和B/S的基于浏览器的瘦客户端之间架起了桥梁。而且,基于AJAX的RIA web信息处理系统处理起数据来迅速并且不需要预装插件、Applet和Active-X。