你必须知道的.NET pdf 全书 本书来自于微软MVP的最新技术心得和感悟,将技术问题以生动易懂的语言展开,层层深入,以例说理。全书主要包括了.NET基础知识及其深度分析,以.NET Framework和CLR研究为核心展开.NET本质论述,涵盖了.NET基本知识几乎所有的重点内容。全书分为5个部分,第1部分讲述.NET与面向对象,从底层实现角度分析了.NET如何实现面向对象机制,进一步分析了面向对象设计原则;第2部分论述了.NET类型系统和CLR的内存管理机制,并对IL语言进行了相应介绍;
In this book, the core model-view-controller (MVC) architectural concepts are not simply explained or discussed in isolation, but are demonstrated in action. You’ll work through an extended tutorial to create a working e-commerce web application tha
Product Descr iption Delve into the features, principles, and pillars of the ASP.NET MVC framework-deftly guided by Web development luminary Dino Esposito. ASP.NET MVC forces developers to think in terms of distinct components-model, view, controlle