文件名称: Single-dual And Multi-wavelength Infrared Thermometer
  所属分类: 专业指导
  文件大小: 45kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2010-06-13
  提 供 者: qinju*****
 详细说明: A wide variety of infrared thermometers is available in order to accommodate for the different emissive properties of various materials to be measured under varying measurement conditions. Infrared thermometers do not measure temperature. Instead, they measure infrared energy. Because infrared energy is emitted by an object as a function of temperature and emissivity, all infrared thermometers calculate a temperature value based upon an assumption concerning the emissivity character of the measured material. Every infrared ther mometer may be categorized into one of three sensor types - brightness, ratio, and multi-variant. Each different type plays an important role for various industrial applications, and each makes different assumptions about the measurement conditions. ...展开收缩



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