文件名称: Ext 3.0 中文文档.CHM
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 详细说明: 类Ext 包: 定义的文件: Ext.js 类全称: Ext 继承自于: Object Ext核心工具与函数 @singleton 配置项这个类没有配置项。 公告属性属性 定义者 : Boolean 默认下,Ext会自动决定浮动元素是否应该被填充。如果你在用Flash... 默认下,Ext会自动决定浮动元素是否应该被填充。如果你在用Flash那么该值很可能要设置为True。By default, Ext intelligently decides whether floating elements should be shimmed. If you are using flash, you may want to set this to true. Ext emptyFn: Function 可复用的空函数。A reusable empty function ... 可复用的空函数。A reusable empty function Ext 公共方法方法 定义者 apply( Object obj, Object config, Object defaults ) : Objec t 复制config对象的所有属性到obj(第一个参数为obj,第二个参数... 复制config对象的所有属性到obj(第一个参数为obj,第二个参数为config)。Copies all the properties of config to obj. 参数项: obj : Object 属性接受方对象。The receiver of the properties config : Object 属性源对象。The source of the properties defaults : Object 默认对象,如果该参数存在,obj将会得到那些defaults有而config没有的属性。A different object that will also be applied for default values 返回值: Object returns obj @member Ext apply Ext applyIf( Object obj, Object config ) : Object 复制所有config的属性至obj,如果obj已有该属性,则不复制(第... 复制所有config的属性至obj,如果obj已有该属性,则不复制(第一个参数为obj,第二个参数为config)。Copies all the properties of config to obj if they don't already exist. 参数项: obj : Object 接受方对象。The receiver of the properties config : Object 源对象。The source of the properties 返回值: Object returns obj Ext addBehaviors( Object obj ) 页面被初始化完毕后,在元素上绑定事件监听。事件名在'@'符号后。App... 页面被初始化完毕后,在元素上绑定事件监听。事件名在'@'符号后。Applies event listeners to elements by selectors when the document is ready. The event name is specified with an @ suffix. Ext.addBehaviors({ // 为id为foo的锚点元素增加onclick事件监听。// add a listener for click on all anchors in element with id foo '#foo a@click' : function(e, t){ // do something }, // 为多个元素增加mouseover事件监听(在'@'前用逗号(,)分隔)。// add the same listener to multiple selectors (separated by comma BEFORE the @) '#foo a, #bar span.some-class@mouseover' : function(){ // do something } }); 参数项: obj : Object 所绑定的事件及其行为。The list of behaviors to apply 返回值: void Ext id( Mixed el, String prefix ) : String 对页面元素生成唯一id,如果该元素已存在id,则不会再生成。Gener... 对页面元素生成唯一id,如果该元素已存在id,则不会再生成。Generates unique ids. If the element already has an id, it is unchanged 参数项: el : Mixed (可选的) 将要生成id的元素。(optional)The element to generate an id for prefix : String (可选的) 该id的前缀(默认为 "ext-gen")。(optional) Id prefix (defaults "ext-gen") 返回值: String 生成的Id。The generated Id. Ext extend( Function subclass, Function superclass, Object overrides ) : Function OO继承,并由传递的值决定是否覆盖原对象的属性。返回的类对象中也增加了... OO继承,并由传递的值决定是否覆盖原对象的属性。返回的类对象中也增加了“override()”函数,用于覆盖实例的成员。Extends one class with another class and optionally overrides members with the passed literal. This class also adds the function "override()" to the class that can be used to override members on an instance. 另外一种用法是,第一个参数不是父类(严格说是父类构造器)的话那么将会发生如下的变化(这是使用2个参数的方式): This function also supports a 2-argument call in which the subclass's constructor is not passed as an argument. In this form, the parameters are as follows: superclass 被继承的类。The class being extended overrides 成员列表,就是将会复制到子类的prototype对象身上,——这便会让该新类的实例可共享这些成员。A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's prototype, and are therefore shared among all instances of the new class. 注意其中可以包含一个元素为属于子类的构造器,叫constructor的成员。如果该项不指定,就意味引用父类的构造器,父类构造器就会直接接收所有的参数。This may contain a special member named constructor. This is used to define the constructor of the new class, and is returned. If this property is not specified, a constructor is generated and returned which just calls the superclass's constructor passing on its parameters. 例如,这样创建Ext GridPanel的子类。For example, to create a subclass of the Ext GridPanel: MyGridPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel, { constructor: function(config) { // 你先这样调用……(就是调用父类的构造函数) MyGridPanel.superclass.constructor.apply(this, arguments); // 然后接着是子类的代码…… }, yourMethod: function() { // …… } }); 参数项: subclass : Function 子类,用于继承(该类继承了父类所有属性,并最终返回该对象)。The class inheriting the functionality superclass : Function 父类,被继承。The class being extended overrides : Object (可选的)一个对象,将它本身携带的属性对子类进行覆盖。(optional) A literal with members which are copied into the subclass's prototype, and are therefore shared between all instances of the new class. 返回值: Function 子类的构造器。The subclass constructor. Ext override( Object origclass, Object overrides ) 在类上添加overrides指定的方法(多个方法),同名则覆盖,例如:... 在类上添加overrides指定的方法(多个方法),同名则覆盖,例如: Adds a list of functions to the prototype of an existing class, overwriting any existing methods with the same name. Usage: Ext.override(MyClass, { newMethod1: function(){ // etc. }, newMethod2: function(foo){ // etc. } }); 参数项: origclass : Object 要override的类。The class to override overrides : Object 加入到origClass的函数列表。这应该是一个包含一个或多个方法的对象。The list of functions to add to origClass. This should be specified as an object literal containing one or more methods. 返回值: void Ext namespace( String namespace1, String namespace2, String etc ) 为变量创建其命名空间,这样类就有了“安身之所”,不是飘荡四处的“全局变... 为变量创建其命名空间,这样类就有了“安身之所”,不是飘荡四处的“全局变量”。例如: Creates namespaces to be used for scoping variables and classes so that they are not global. Usage: Ext.namespace('Company', 'Company.data'); Company.Widget = function() { ... } Company.data.CustomStore = function(config) { ... } 参数项: namespace1 : String 命名空间一 namespace2 : String 命名空间二 etc : String 返回值: void Ext urlEncode( Object o ) : String 把一个对象转换为一串以编码的URL字符。例如Ext.urlEncode... 把一个对象转换为一串以编码的URL字符。例如Ext.urlEncode({foo: 1, bar: 2});变为"foo=1&bar=2"。可选地,如果遇到属性的类型是数组的话,那么该属性对应的key就是每个数组元素的key,逐一进行“结对的”编码。Takes an object and converts it to an encoded URL. e.g. Ext.urlEncode({foo: 1, bar: 2}); would return "foo=1&bar=2". Optionally, property values can be arrays, instead of keys and the resulting string that's returned will contain a name/value pair for each array value. 参数项: o : Object 返回值: String Ext urlDecode( String string, Boolean overwrite ) : Object 把一个已经encoded的URL字符串转换为对象。如Ext.urlDe... 把一个已经encoded的URL字符串转换为对象。如Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2"); 就是{foo: "1", bar: "2"}; Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4", false);就是{foo: "1", bar: ["2", "3", "4"]}。Takes an encoded URL and and converts it to an object. e.g. Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2"); would return {foo: "1", bar: "2"} or Ext.urlDecode("foo=1&bar=2&bar=3&bar=4", false); would return {foo: "1", bar: ["2", "3", "4"]}. 参数项: string : String URL字符串 overwrite : Boolean (可选的)重复名称的就当作为数组,如果该项为true就禁止该功能(默认为false)。(optional) Items of the same name will overwrite previous values instead of creating an an array (Defaults to false). 返回值: Object 成员实体。A literal with members Ext each( Array/NodeList/Mixed array, Function fn, Object scope ) 迭代一个数组,数组中每个成员都将调用一次所传函数,直到函数返回fals... 迭代一个数组,数组中每个成员都将调用一次所传函数,直到函数返回false才停止执行。如果传递的数组并非一个真正的数组,所传递的函数只调用它一次。(译注:如果不是数组,就将该“数组”放入一个[]中,而且会返回一个隐藏的int参数,代表为该array调用function的次数。) Iterates an array calling the passed function with each item, stopping if your function returns false. If the passed array is not really an array, your function is called once with it. The supplied function is called with (Object item, Number index, Array allItems). 参数项: array : Array/NodeList/Mixed 数组 fn : Function 函数 scope : Object 作用域 返回值: void Ext escapeRe( String str ) : String 避免传递的字符串参数被正则表达式读取。Escapes the pass... 避免传递的字符串参数被正则表达式读取。Escapes the passed string for use in a regular expression 参数项: str : String 返回值: String Ext getDom( Mixed el ) : HTMLElement 返回dom对象,参数可以是string(id),dom node,或E... 返回dom对象,参数可以是string(id),dom node,或Ext.Element。Return the dom node for the passed string (id), dom node, or Ext.Element 参数项: el : Mixed 返回值: HTMLElement Ext getDoc() : Ext.Element document对象。The document 返回当前HTML文档的Ext.Element类型。Returns th... 返回当前HTML文档的Ext.Element类型。Returns the current HTML document object as an Ext.Element. 参数项: None. 返回值: Ext.Element document对象。The document Ext getBody() : Ext.Element document对象。The document body 返回当前document.body的Ext.Element类型。Ret... 返回当前document.body的Ext.Element类型。Returns the current document body as an Ext.Element. 参数项: None. 返回值: Ext.Element document对象。The document body Ext getCmp( String id ) : Ext.Component Ext.ComponentMgrget的简写方式。Shorthand ... Ext.ComponentMgrget的简写方式。Shorthand for Ext.ComponentMgrget 参数项: id : String 返回值: Ext.Component Ext num( Mixed value, Number defaultValue ) : Number 验证某个值是否数字的一个辅助方法,若不是,返回指定的缺省值。Utili... 验证某个值是否数字的一个辅助方法,若不是,返回指定的缺省值。Utility method for validating that a value is numeric, returning the specified default value if it is not. 参数项: value : Mixed 应该是一个数字,但其它的类型的值亦可适当地处理。Should be a number, but any type will be handled appropriately defaultValue : Number 若传入的值是非数字,则返回缺省值。The value to return if the original value is non-numeric 返回值: Number 数字或缺省值Value。if numeric, else defaultValue Ext destroy( Mixed arg1, Mixed arg2, Mixed etc ) 尝试去移除每个传入的对象,包括DOM,事件侦听者,并呼叫他们的dest... 尝试去移除每个传入的对象,包括DOM,事件侦听者,并呼叫他们的destroy方法(如果存在)。该方法主要接纳Ext.Element与Ext.Component类型的参数。但理论上任何继承自Ext.util.Observable的子类都可以做为参数传入(支持传入多参)。Attempts to destroy any objects passed to it by removing all event listeners, removing them from the DOM (if applicable) and calling their destroy functions (if available). This method is primarily intended for arguments of type Ext.Element and Ext.Component, but any subclass of Ext.util.Observable can be passed in. Any number of elements and/or components can be passed into this function in a single call as separate arguments. 参数项: arg1 : Mixed 任意要销毁的Ext.Element或Ext.Component。An Ext.Element or Ext.Component to destroy arg2 : Mixed (可选的) etc : Mixed ... (可选的) 返回值: void Ext destroyMembers( Object o, Mixed arg1, Mixed etc ) 删除对象的指定属性(支持传入多参,同时删除多个属性)。Attempts... 删除对象的指定属性(支持传入多参,同时删除多个属性)。Attempts to destroy and then remove a set of named properties of the passed object. 参数项: o : Object 打算删除的对象(通常是Component类型的对象)。The object (most likely a Component) who's properties you wish to destroy. arg1 : Mixed 打算删除的属性名称。The name of the property to destroy and remove from the object. etc : Mixed ... 其他更多要删除的属性名称。More property names to destroy and remove. 返回值: void Ext removeNode( HTMLElement node ) 移除document的DOM节点。如果是body节点的话会被忽略。Re... 移除document的DOM节点。如果是body节点的话会被忽略。Removes a DOM node from the document. The body node will be ignored if passed in. 参数项: node : HTMLElement 要移除的节点。The node to remove 返回值: void Ext type( Mixed object ) : String 返回参数类型的详细信息。如果送入的对象是null或undefined那... 返回参数类型的详细信息。如果送入的对象是null或undefined那么返回false,又或是以下类型: Returns the type of object that is passed in. If the object passed in is null or undefined it return false otherwise it returns one of the following values: string: 如果传入的是字符串。If the object passed is a string number: 如果输入的是数字。If the object passed is a number boolean: 如果传入的是布尔值。If the object passed is a boolean value date: 如果传入的是日期。If the object passed is a Date object function: 如果传入的是函数。If the object passed is a function reference object: 如果传入的是对象。If the object passed is an object array: 如果传入的是数组。If the object passed is an array regexp: 如果传入的是正则表达式。If the object passed is a regular expression element: 如果传入的是DOM Element。If the object passed is a DOM Element nodelist: 如果传入的是DOM NodeList。If the object passed is a DOM NodeList textnode: 如果传入的是DOM Text,且非空或空格。If the object passed is a DOM text node and contains something other than whitespace whitespace: 如果传入的是DOM Text,且是空格。If the object passed is a DOM text node and contains only whitespace 参数项: object : Mixed 返回值: String Ext isEmpty( Mixed value, Boolean allowBlank ) : Boolean 如果传入的值是null、undefined或空字符串,则返回true。... 如果传入的值是null、undefined或空字符串,则返回true。(可选的) Returns true if the passed value is null, undefined or an empty string. 参数项: value : Mixed 要验证的值。The value to test allowBlank : Boolean (可选的) 如果该值为true,则空字符串不会当作空而返回true。(optional) true to allow empty strings (defaults to false) 返回值: Boolean Ext value( Mixed value, Mixed defaultValue, Boolean allowBlank ) : Mixed 验证值是否非空、非null、非undefined、非空白字符的便捷方法... 验证值是否非空、非null、非undefined、非空白字符的便捷方法。如指定了默认值还会返回默认值。Utility method for validating that a value is non-empty (i.e. i) not null, ii) not undefined, and iii) not an empty string), returning the specified default value if it is. 参数项: value : Mixed 要测试的值。The value to test defaultValue : Mixed 如果原值是空的所返回的值。The value to return if the original value is empty allowBlank : Boolean (可选的)true表示为允许空白的字符串(默认为false)。(optional) true to allow empty strings (defaults to false) 返回值: Mixed 值,若果是非空,就是defalutValue。value, if non-empty, else defaultValue Ext isArray( Object v ) : Boolean 返回true表名送入的对象是JavaScript的array类型对象,... 返回true表名送入的对象是JavaScript的array类型对象,否则为false。Returns true if the passed object is a JavaScript array, otherwise false. 参数项: v : Object 要测试的对象。The object to test 返回值: Boolean Ext isDate( Object v ) : Boolean 返回true表名送入的对象是JavaScript的date类型对象,否... 返回true表名送入的对象是JavaScript的date类型对象,否则为false。Returns true if the passed object is a JavaScript date object, otherwise false. 参数项: v : Object 要测试的对象。The object to test 返回值: Boolean Ext copyTo( Object dest, Object source, Array/String names ) : Object 复制源对象身上指定的属性到目标对象。Copies a set of n... 复制源对象身上指定的属性到目标对象。Copies a set of named properties fom the source object to the destination object. 参数项: dest : Object 目标对象。The destination object. source : Object 源对象。The source object. names : Array/String 可以是属性名称构成的数组,也可以是属性名称构成的字符串,用逗号、分号隔开。Either an Array of property names, or a comma-delimited list of property names to copy. 返回值: Object 以修改的对象。The modified object. 例子:example: ...展开收缩



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