文件名称: Building Cocoa Applications: A Step-by-Step Guide
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 详细说明: Part I: Cocoa Overview Chapter 1. Understanding theAqua Interface Section 1.1. What Makes Mac OS X So Special? Section 1.2. A Quick Look at the Mac OS X User Interface Section 1.3. Basic Principles of the Aqua Interface Section 1.4. The Mouse and Cursor Section 1.5. Window Types and Behavior Section 1.6. Menus and the Menu Bar Section 1.7. The Dock Section 1.8. Controls Section 1.9. The Finder Section 1.10. Configuring Your Desktop, Step by Step Section 1.11. Menu Guidelines and Keyboard Equivalents Section 1.12. Working with th e Filesystem,Step by Step Section 1.13. Summary Section 1.14. Exercises Section 1.15. References Chapter 2. Tools for Developing Cocoa Applications Section 2.1. Developer Tools Section 2.2. Utilities Section 2.3. Working with the Terminal Section 2.4. Debugging Programs with gdb Section 2.5. User Interface Design Section 2.6. Summary Section 2.7. Exercises Chapter 3. Creating a Simple Application with Interface Builder Section 3.1. Getting Started with Interface Builder Section 3.2. Adding Objects to Your Application Section 3.3. Objects, Messages, and Targets Section 3.4. Summary Section 3.5. Exercise Chapter 4. An Objective-C ApplicationWithout Interface Builder Section 4.1. The Tiny.m Program Section 4.2. An Introduction to Objective-C Section 4.3. Tiny.m Revisited Section 4.4. Summary Section 4.5. Exercises Section 4.6. References Part II: Calculator: Building a Simple Application Chapter 5. Building a Project: A Four-Function Calculator Section 5.1. Getting Started: Building the Calculator Project Section 5.2. Building the Calculator's User Interface Section 5.3. Building the Calculator's Controller Class Section 5.4. Customizing Buttons and Making Connections Section 5.5. Compiling and Running a Program Section 5.6. Compiler Error Messages Section 5.7. The enterDigit: Action Method Section 5.8. Adding the Four Calculator Functions Section 5.9. Adding the Unary Minus Function to the Controller Class Section 5.10. The Files in a Project Section 5.11. Summary Section 5.12. Exercises Chapter 6. Nibs and Icons Section 6.1. Customizing MainMenu.nib Section 6.2. Managing Multiple Nibs Section 6.3. Adding Icons to Applications Section 6.4. Changing Calculator's Application Icon Section 6.5. Cocoa's NSImage Class Section 6.6. Summary Section 6.7. Exercises Section 6.8. References Chapter 7. Delegation and Resizing Section 7.1. Handling Different Bases Section 7.2. Delegation Section 7.3. Disabling Buttons for BetterMultiradix Input Section 7.4. Resizing Windows Programmatically Section 7.5. Two Very Important Classes: NSWindow and NSView Section 7.6. Summary Section 7.7. Exercises Chapter 8. Events and Responders Section 8.1. Events and the NSResponder Chain Section 8.2. Events and the NSApplication Object Section 8.3. The Event Loop Section 8.4. Catching Keyboard Eventsfor Our Calculator Section 8.5. Summary Section 8.6. Exercises Section 8.7. References Chapter 9. Darwin and the Window Server Section 9.1. Unix, Mach, and the Mac OS X Environment Section 9.2. The Window Server and Quartz Section 9.3. Seeing All the Processes Section 9.4. Summary Section 9.5. Exercises Section 9.6. References Part III: MathPaper: A Multiple-Document, Multiprocess Application Chapter 10. MathPaper and Cocoa'sDocument-Based Architecture Section 10.1. The MathPaper Application Section 10.2. The Evaluator Back End Section 10.3. Cocoa's Document-Based Architecture Section 10.4. Building MathPaper's Front End Section 10.5. Summary Section 10.6. Exercises Section 10.7. References Chapter 11. Tasks, Pipes, and NSTextView Section 11.1. Processes, Pipes, and Resources Section 11.2. Making Evaluator a MathPaper Auxiliary Executable Section 11.3. MathDocument Class Modifications Section 11.4. Creating PaperController, a Subclass of NSWindowController Section 11.5. The NSScrollView and NSTextView Classes Section 11.6. PaperController Class Modifications Section 11.7. Summary Section 11.8. Exercises Chapter 12. Rich Text Format and NSText Section 12.1. Rich Text Format Section 12.2. Creating an RTF Class Section 12.3. Integrating Our RTF Class into MathPaper Section 12.4. Summary Section 12.5. Exercises Chapter 13. Saving, Loading, and Printing Section 13.1. Data Management with NSDocument Section 13.2. Saving to a File Section 13.3. Loading from a File Section 13.4. Marking a Document Window as Edited Section 13.5. Adding Printing Capability Section 13.6. Summary Section 13.7. Exercises Chapter 14. Drawing with Quartz Section 14.1. Animation in an About Panel Section 14.2. The Quartz Window Server Section 14.3. Implementing the About Panel in MathPaper Section 14.4. Quartz Graphics Data Types Section 14.5. Timers Section 14.6. Putting It All Together Section 14.7. Summary Section 14.8. Exercises Section 14.9. References Chapter 15. Drawing in a Rectangle: More Fun with Cocoa Views Section 15.1. The Advantages of NSView's drawRect: Method Section 15.2. BlackView: An NSView That Paints Itself Black Section 15.3. A Closer Look at the NSView Class Section 15.4. BarView: An NSView with a Scaled Coordinate System Section 15.5. PolygonView: A Non-Opaque NSView Section 15.6. Responding to Events in an NSView Section 15.7. Autosizing Multiple Views in a Window Section 15.8. Summary Section 15.9. Exercises Part IV: GraphPaper: A Multithreaded, Mouse-Tracking Application Chapter 16. GraphPaper: A Multithreaded Application with a Display List Section 16.1. GraphPaper's Design Section 16.2. Working with Multiple Threads Section 16.3. Building the GraphPaper Application Section 16.4. Extending the Display List Section 16.5. Summary Section 16.6. Exercises Section 16.7. References Chapter 17. Color Section 17.1. Colors and Color Objects Section 17.2. Adding Color to GraphPaper Section 17.3. Summary Section 17.4. Exercises Chapter 18. Tracking the Mouse Section 18.1. Tracking the Mouse Section 18.2. Adding Mouse Tracking to GraphPaper Section 18.3. Summary Section 18.4. Exercises Section 18.5. References Chapter 19. Zooming and Saving Graphics Files Section 19.1. Adding a Zoom Button to GraphPaper Section 19.2. Saving to PDF Section 19.3. Saving to TIFF Section 19.4. Creating an Accessory NSView Section 19.5. Summary Section 19.6. Exercises Chapter 20. Pasteboards, Services, Modal Sessions, and Drag-and-Drop Section 20.1. Cut, Copy, and Paste with the Pasteboard Section 20.2. Using the Pasteboard in GraphPaper Section 20.3. Services Section 20.4. Creating Your Own Service Section 20.5. Drag-and-Drop Section 20.6. Summary Section 20.7. Exercises Chapter 21. Preferences and Defaults Section 21.1. Preferences and the Defaults Database System Section 21.2. Adding Defaults to GraphPaper Section 21.3. Making the Preferences Panel Work with Defaults Section 21.4. Setting Up a Multi-View Panel Section 21.5. Summary Section 21.6. Exercises Appendix A. Cocoa Resources Section A.1. Apple Resources Section A.2. Third-Party Resources ...展开收缩



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