文件名称: Managed Directx 9 Kick Start - Graphics And Game Programming
  所属分类: C#
  文件大小: 8mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2010-09-16
  提 供 者: os***
 详细说明: Managed DirectX was released with the latest version of the core DirectX libraries in DirectX9. It enables developers using the new .NET languages (i.e. C#, VB.NET, etc.) to develop rich multimedia applications with DirectX. Unfortunately the Managed DirectX runtime was released without adequate documentation, and developers are having a hard time figuring out the best way to write managed applications. This book covers how to use the Managed DirectX objects, how they differ from the core DirectX libraries, and how to create the se rich multimedia applications in C#. It also covers in depth graphics techniques and the new high-level shader language shipping with DirectX9. Copyright Foreword About the Author Acknowledgments We Want to Hear from You! Introduction The History of Managed DirectX Namespaces Included Getting Started Part I. Beginning Graphics Concepts Chapter 1. Introducing Direct3D Getting Started The Direct3D Device Making Our Triangle Three Dimensional Automatic Device Resets During a Resize We've Got Camera and Action; What About Lights? Device States and Transforms Swapchains and RenderTargets In Brief Chapter 2. Choosing the Correct Device Enumerating Your System's Adapters Determining Whether a Hardware Device Is Available Checking Device Capabilities In Brief Chapter 3. Rendering Using Simple Techniques Using Vertex Buffers Texturing Our Objects In Brief Chapter 4. More Rendering Techniques Rendering Other Primitive Types Using Index Buffers Using Depth Buffers In Brief Chapter 5. Rendering with Meshes Defining the Mesh Using Materials and Lighting Using Meshes to Render Complex Models In Brief Chapter 6. Using Managed DirectX to Write a Game Choosing the Game Writing the Game Adding a Movable Car into Your Scene Adding Obstacles Implementing the Finishing Touches In Brief Part II. Intermediate Graphics Concepts Chapter 7. Using Advanced Mesh Features Cloning Mesh Data Optimizing Mesh Data Simplifying Existing Meshes Welding Vertices in a Mesh Making Lots of Little Meshes Out of One Big One In Brief Chapter 8. Understanding Resources Starting with the Resource Class Using the Vertex and Index Buffers Locking Our Buffers Controlling How Buffers Are Locked Using Texture Resources Locking Textures and Getting Descriptions In Brief Chapter 9. Using the Other Mesh Types Simplifying Meshes Controlling the Level of Detail with Progressive Meshes Rendering Patch Meshes Seeing the Tessellation Levels In Brief Chapter 10. Using the Helper Classes Drawing Lines Drawing Text Rendering to Surfaces Rendering Environment Maps In Brief Part III. Advanced Graphics Concepts Chapter 11. Introducing the Programmable Pipeline with the High Level Shader Language Rendering a Single Triangle Without Using the Fixed-function Pipeline Rendering Shader Programs with Techniques Rendering Meshes Using the Programmable Pipeline Using HLSL to Write a Pixel Shader In Brief Chapter 12. Using the High Level Shader Language Using Simple Formulas to Simulate Animation Determining Color by Blending Textures Lighting Textures Adding Specular Highlights In Brief Chapter 13. Rendering Skeletal Animation Creating the Frame Hierarchy Loading Meshes with Animation Rendering Animated Meshes In Brief Part IV. Sound and Input Chapter 14. Discovering the Wonders of Sound Including the Sound Namespace Loading and Playing a Static Sound Using Sounds in 3D Manipulating the Listener Using Effects with Your Sounds In Brief Chapter 15. Controlling User Input Detecting the Devices You Can Use Using the Keyboard Device Using the Mouse Device Using Game Pads and Joysticks for User Input Using Force Feedback In Brief Part V. 2D Graphics Chapter 16. Using Direct3D for 2D Graphics Creating a Full Screen Rendering Device Rendering Sprites Animating Your Sprites In Brief Chapter 17. Using DirectDraw for 2D Rendering Creating a Full Screen DirectDraw Device Animating Your Sprites In Brief Part VI. Adding Networking Chapter 18. Implementing Peer-to-Peer Networking Using DirectPlay Understanding DirectPlay Addresses Creating a Peer Connection Getting into a Session Using the Event Model Performing Actions in Our Session Handling Lost Sessions In Brief Chapter 19. Creating a Client/Server Session Creating a Dedicated Server Session Connecting a Client Detecting Users Joining and Leaving Your Session Sending Data Packets Making the Client React Handling the Server Lost Event In Brief Chapter 20. Understanding Advanced Networking Features Having a Detailed Look at the Event Model Detecting Bandwidth and Network Statistics Launching Applications Using a Lobby Making Your Application Lobby Aware Adding Voice Chat to Your Sessions In Brief Chapter 21. Achieving Maximum Performance Using Value Types as Objects Understanding the Performance Implications of the Event Model Understanding the Cost of Methods In Brief Part VII. Appendices Appendix A. Using the Diagnostics Assemblies Enumerating Everything in the System Enumerating Specific Items You Care About Appendix B. Playing Music and Videos Playing Back an Audio or Video File Simply Using the Features of Video Files Using Video as Textures Index ...展开收缩



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