文件名称: Spring Into Linux 2005
  所属分类: Linux
  文件大小: 18mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2010-09-26
  提 供 者: shaogu******
 详细说明: Overview The fastest route to true Linux mastery!You know your way around Windows (or maybe a Mac, or even UNIX). Now, you're ready for Linux.And you don't have a minute to waste.Welcome. This book's for you.Janet Valade has spent thirteen years helping new users master Linux and related technologies. She knows the "magic words" that'll help you get the job done, fast. (And she knows exactly how to keep you out of trouble, too!)You'll learn Linux through dozens of focused, bite-size examples, each one carefully designe d to build on what you've learned before.Need specific solutions? This book's carefully crafted, high-efficiency format delivers them... instantly. Working on Fedora? Mandrake? SuSE? No matter. This book is for you.No other introduction to Linux covers this much, this well, this quickly. Dig in, get started, get results! All you need to succeed with Linuxwithout the hassles! Choose the best Linux distribution for your personal or business needs Get Linux installed quickly and running reliably Handle your day-to-day tasks and efficiently manage your files Master KDE, GNOME, and the Linux command line Write documents and build spreadsheets with OpenOffice.org Set up Web access, email, and instant messaging Work with powerful Linux multimedia and graphics software Find, install, and run new Linux software Set up your printer to work with Linux Supercharge Linux with shell scripts and customized configuration filesIncludes concise Linux command reference and quick guide to building powerful Regular ExpressionsSpring Into... is a new series of fast-paced tutorials from Addison-Wesley Professional Publishers. Each book in the series is designed to bring you up-to-speed quickly. Complex technologies are reduced to their core components, and each component is treated with remarkable efficiency in one- or two-page spreads. Just the information you need to begin working...now! And because the books are example-rich and easy to navigate, you'll find that they make great on-the-job references after you've mastered the basics. ...展开收缩



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