文件名称: 电信运营商收入保障系统设计与实现
  所属分类: 3G/移动开发
  文件大小: 777kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2011-01-27
  提 供 者: zeng5*****
 详细说明: With the modernization and diversification of information technology, China telecom carriers are facing more complex technology environments than ever before. Fast updating of service, process, system and equipment result in more risk of fees missing, big heating and malice arrear. In order to improve revenue assurance and revenue management telecom carriers need a whole set of revenue assurance system. Revenue assurance means diagnosing current operation process and information system to find revenue losing so as to stop and pr event it. The system can help not only reduce fees losing and increase benefits, but also construct revenue process normalization and enhance running efficiency. In the background of some Chinese telecom supporting system, this paper analyzed revenue assurance syste. Based on billing system, this paper adopted object oriented method to design and implement a revenue assurance system. This paper also discusses how to integrate a revenue assurance system. At last, we discuss revenue assurance problems of future 3G mobile system. ...展开收缩



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