文件名称: zoj1347题解,含解题分析,翻译
  所属分类: 其它
  文件大小: 29kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2009-06-30
  提 供 者: xuhaof******
 详细说明: Determine the Price For the manager of a theatre, setting the price of a ticket is a rather delicate matter. Suppose that a theatre has n (<= 1000000) seats, and that if you give away the tickets for free, all the seats will be taken. After some sort of inves tigation, it is estimated that for every p yuans of increase of the ticket price, the theatre will lose m audiences. But the audiences will not leave until the ticket price jumps up a complete step of p yuans. For example, if given p=1.00 and m=10, no audience will be lost if the price is set to be 0.99 yuans, and 10 will be lost if the price is 1.99 yuans. It costs R yuans for the theatre to run each show, and S yuans to serve each of the audiences during each show. Now your job is to write a program to maximize the total revenue of each show for the theatre. ...展开收缩



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