文件名称: freesurfer重编环境
  所属分类: C
  文件大小: 109kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2011-09-01
  提 供 者: cfy346******
 详细说明: 2. Open Source Distribution see ReadOnlyCVS 3. Configuring It is necessary to run a pre-configure script, to create the platform specific tools required by configure (execute in the dev/ directory created by cvs checkout): ./setup_configure This script runs a set of commands (aclocal, libtoolize, automake v1.9.6, autoconf v2.59) that creates the platform specific files for configure and puts them in the 'dev/config' directory. Now you need to configure your building parameters for your machine: ./configure This runs the conf igure script which checks a bunch of local settings and libraries that are needed. You will probably need to supply some extra options: --prefix=~/work/freesurfer The prefix option determines where your build will be installed when you use the 'make install' command. This is your private copy of FreeSurfer, not a release for others, so put it in your own directory space. Generally, a developer will set their $FREESURFER_HOME to their working directory (in this case FREESURFER_HOME is ~/work/freesurfer). Note: Do not install freesurfer in the same directory as the source. In-source building is not supported. If you are compiling in the NMR Center, pass the option: ...展开收缩



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