文件名称: AddFlow ActiveX control Version
  所属分类: C++
  文件大小: 1mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2006-02-23
  提 供 者: che***
 详细说明: =================================================== AddFlow ActiveX control Version (c) 1997-2004 Lassalle Technologies. All rights reserved.http://www.lassalle.com===================================================Last updated: august 14, 2004Note: the purpose of this readme file is just to give the description of this package. See the file history.txtto know the last improvements.PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONThis package is a full installation package of the AddFlow ActiveX control, version 4.2. The installation progra m has been created with InstallShield for Microsoft Visual C++ 6.It installs: - ADDFLOW4.OCX: It is placed in the Windows system directory. - ADDFLOW4.CHM: the AddFlow help file - PRNFLOW3.OCX: the PrnFlow ActiveX control, version It is an extension of AddFlow, allowing to print diagrams. It is placed in the Windows system directory. - PRNFLOW3.HLP: the PrnFlow help file - 3 Microsoft shared DLLs: MFC42.DLL, MSVCRT.DLL, OLEPRO32.DLL There are placed in the Windows system directory. - README.TXT (this current text file) - HISTORY.TXT (a description of each new version enhancements) - 6 VB6 SAMPLES * VBAF4EDIT It is a small diagram editor illustrating how to use the Undo/Redo feature and how to easily change the node and link properties by right clicking on them. * NAVIG It demonstrates how to use collections to navigate in a diagram. * POINT It allows working with the collection of the link points and with the following properties: ExtraPoints, AdjustOrg, AdjustDst, LinkStyle and OrthogonalDynamic. * PICTURES It shows how to use the Pictures and PictureIndex properties. * TABLES This VB6 sample demonstrates how to use AddFlow to create database diagrams. * XMLFLOW An ActiveX DLL allowing to save/load an AddFlow diagram in a XML file. - 2 VC6 SAMPLES * NAVIG VC6 sample: the same program as the NAVIG VB6 sample except that it is written in C++. * VCAF4EDIT VC6 sample: a MDI diagram editor written in C++. It displays 4 examples of diagrams created programmaticaly. - 3 DELPHI 5 SAMPLES * Editor: a small diagram editor * Navig: same as the VB6 and VC6 versions. * Demo: displays 4 examples of diagrams created programmaticaly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRADEMARKS:* AddFlow and PrnFlow are registered trademarks of Lassalle Technologies.* InstallShield is a registered trademark of InstallShield Corporation.All other names and trademarks are property of their respective companies.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ...展开收缩



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