文件名称: Adobe SWF 文件格式规范
  所属分类: 系统安全
  文件大小: 942kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-02-17
  提 供 者: dang*****
 详细说明: 目录 Introduction 9 What’s new in SWF 10 10 Chapter 1: Basic Data Types 11 Coordinates and twips.11 Integer types and byte order 11 Fixed-point numbers 12 Floating-point numbers. 13 Encoded integers 14 Bit values 15 Using bit values 16 String values 17 Language code 18 RGB color record 18 RGBA color with alpha record. 19 ARGB color with alpha record. 19 Rectangle record 20 MATRIX record 20 Color transform record 22 Color transform with alpha record 23 Chapter 2: SWF Structure Summary 25 The SWF header 25 SWF file st ructure 26 Tag format27 Definition and control tags27 Tag ordering in SWF files 28 The dictionary 28 Processing a SWF file. 29 File compression strategy 30 Summary 30 Chapter 3: The Display List 31 Clipping layers 32 Using the display list 33 Display list tags 34 PlaceObject 34 PlaceObject2 35 PlaceObject3 38 ClipEventFlags 50 RemoveObject. 52 RemoveObject2 52 ShowFrame 52 Chapter 4: Control Tags53 SetBackgroundColor 53 FrameLabel. 53 Protect 54 End 55 ExportAssets 55 ImportAssets 56 EnableDebugger 57 EnableDebugger2 57 ScriptLimits. 58 SetTabIndex 58 FileAttributes 59 ImportAssets2 60 SymbolClass. 62 Metadata 63 DefineScalingGrid 65 DefineSceneAndFrameLabelData 66 Chapter 5: Actions 67 SWF 3 action model. 67 SWF 3 actions. 68 SWF 4 action model. 72 The program counter 72 SWF 4 actions. 73 Stack operations 74 Arithmetic operators. 75 Numerical comparison 77 Logical operators 78 String manipulation. 80 Type conversion 82 ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: SWF 文件格式 Adobe