说明: This book focuses on the study of possible adaptive sampling mechanisms for haptic data compression aimed at applications like tele-operations and tele-surgery. Demonstrating that the selection of the perceptual dead zones is a non-trivial problem, <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:5242880
说明: This book describes new theories and applications of artificial neural networks, with a special focus on neural computation, cognitive science and machine learning. It discusses cutting-edge research at the intersection between different fields, fro <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:12582912
说明: Get started with MATLAB for deep learning and AI with this in-depth primer. In this book, you start with machine learning fundamentals, then move on to neural networks, deep learning, and then convolutional neural networks. In a blend of fundamental <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:2097152
说明: Discover the practical aspects of implementing deep-learning solutions using the rich Python ecosystem. This book bridges the gap between the academic state-of-the-art and the industry state-of-the-practice by introducing you to deep learning framew <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:5242880
说明: With an increasing interest in AI around the world, deep learning has attracted a great deal of public attention. Every day, deep-learning algorithms are used broadly across different industries. This book will give you all the practical information <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:4194304
说明: With the reinvigoration of neural networks in the 2000s, deep learning has become an extremely active area of research that is paving the way for modern machine learning. This book uses exposition and examples to help you understand major concepts i <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:13631488
说明: In this book, we have tried to make a case for using deep learning within R. Most deep learning power-users would shun R and go for other languages, such as Python. We, however, believe that R has a solid ecosystem of packages, and visualization and <wang1062807258> 在 上传 | 大小:10485760