
区块链下载列表 第82页

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[以太坊] 量化投资系统.rar

说明: 量化投资是指通过数量化方式及计算机程序化发出买卖指令,以获取稳定收益为目的的交易方式。在海外的发展已有30多年的历史,其投资业绩稳定,市场规模和份额不断扩大、得到了越来越多投资者认可。 事实上,互联网的发展,使得新概念在世界范围的传播速度非常快,作为一个概念,量化投资并不算新,国内投资者早有耳闻。但是,真正的量化基金在国内还比较罕见。同时,机器学习的发展也对量化投资起了促进作用。
<qq_40669019> 在 上传 | 大小:150994944

[比特币] hotStuff中文1803_translate.pdf

说明: HotStuff 共识协议中文文档,为机器翻译,欢迎阅读,有关技术问题可加我qq
<sinat_34070003> 在 上传 | 大小:1048576

[Dapp] MIB_Report_07_EN.pdf

说明: MIBcoin 报告,MIBcoin 第七期报告英文版。MIBcoin报告文件
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[Dapp] filecoin白皮书翻译版.pdf

说明: go-filecoin白皮书翻译版,基本都能看懂的,主要是算法
<duduppp> 在 上传 | 大小:1048576

[BlueMix] 5-华为云如何加速区块链应用快速落地.pdf

说明: 华为云区块链构建可信的数字社会 1.区块链技术和趋势洞察 2.区块链实践应用分享 3.华为云区块链特点和价值 4.华为云区块链构建实践
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[Dapp] Blockchain-for-the-Transportation-Industry-Article-0318.pdf

说明: ew blockchain-based business models are enabled. The system could create an extremely fast and secure network for electric car charging station availability and payment. Further into the future, it may also prove essential to self-driving cars. Info
<ymeish> 在 上传 | 大小:1048576

[Dapp] samsara-protocol-white-paper.pdf

说明: This research represents a model of buying and selling lotteries system on Blockchain by using Ethereum network to determines the conditions for the purchasing of the lottery and reward the prize winner. Our system uses Ethereum coins to buy and rew
<ymeish> 在 上传 | 大小:2097152

[Dapp] futureinternet-10-00020-v2.pdf

说明: Blockchain is receiving increasing attention from academy and industry, since it is considered a breakthrough technology that could bring huge benefits to many different sectors. In 2017, Gartner positioned blockchain close to the peak of inflated e
<ymeish> 在 上传 | 大小:1029120

[Dapp] BlockchainApplicationinInsuranceandReinsurance-KatiaSAYEGH.pdf

说明: blockchain business impact can be ground-breaking, according to the survey conducted in the report Blockchain in Insurance: Risk Not, Reap Not, 86% of respondents affirmed the very important impact of blockchain on the insurance industry, from which
<ymeish> 在 上传 | 大小:1048576

[Dapp] Application_of_blockchain_in_Usage_Based.pdf

说明: blockchain business impact can be ground-breaking, according to the survey conducted in the report Blockchain in Insurance: Risk Not, Reap Not, 86% of respondents affirmed the very important impact of blockchain on the insurance industry, from which
<ymeish> 在 上传 | 大小:518144

[比特币] 区块链PPT.pptx

说明: 区块链PPT,很全面地描述了区块链的理念,应用分析,前景。推荐下载
<zheng2637> 在 上传 | 大小:11534336

[比特币] MITE存档修改器v2.2.zip

说明:转载自:https://yuezhuxue.github.io/mite/main.html v2.1 1.修复在1秒内鼠标连按导致【备份】模块报错(文件重名)的bug 2.修复一个检测输入的附魔等级却读取天数的远古bug 2.附魔的翻译与游戏一致:【砍伐】→【砍树】,【收割】→【收获】 3.添加BUFF【瞬间治疗】,比【生命回复】回血快,也不消耗饱食度 v2.2 1.增加玩家当前坐标修改功能,详情见下文说明
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