文件名称: ActionScript™ 3.0 Bible
  所属分类: Actionscript
  文件大小: 18mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-04-28
  提 供 者: chinav******
 详细说明: About the Authors Roger Braunstein was recently knighted the director of technology at Your Majesty in New York City. He lives in and rides his bike around Brooklyn, which provides him with limitless opportunity for adventure and misadventure. He likes all sorts of things—including films, cooking, 8-bit music, and summer. You’d have to ask him for a more complete list. He tries desperately to learn far more than is possible, but he realizes that the journey is in the trying. Roger is usually embarrassed about the state of his we b page at http://partlyhuman.com/. Mims H. Wright (yes, that’s his real name) was born a curious Southern boy in Mississippi. Transplanted to Boulder, Colorado, at the unstable age of thirteen, he was spared from a teen life filled with shaggy hair and polo shirts. Adept at finding order in chaos and vice versa, he followed his passion for design and upon graduation from high school went to an art college to avoid any real responsibility. During the Internet boom, he joined the ranks of nerdy twenty-somethings to get his piece of the pie only to find that not only was there no pie left but it wasn’t very tasty after all. After returning to school for safety, he helped develop the newly formed interactive design program at the University of Colorado. In 2002, he moved to New York and took a job as a Production Artist where he was awarded for his performance and quickly became the go-to guy for Flash design and development. Since then, he’s worked with a wide range of clients from “mom and pop” to “evil empire” and, with a strong sense of irony, has achieved veteran status before the age of thirty. Mims presently resides in Brooklyn, New York, where he makes web sites for cash. He is also an amateur international racecar driver. His blog on ActionScript development can be found at http://mimswright.com/blog. Joshua J. Noble lives in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studies up on his Spanish, Chinese, C, Erlang, and Ruby in his free time; watches soccer; reads as many newspapers as he can; goofs around with computer vision libraries; and plays with mini-controllers. ...展开收缩



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