文件名称: GridView水平滚动源码2012518
  所属分类: C#
  文件大小: 176kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-05-18
  提 供 者: ss_****
 详细说明: GridView水平滚动源码 源码描述: 当GridView中字段很多屏幕放不下的时候, 我们可以考虑给GridView加入水平滚动条来展示数据来自51ASPX。 Add Jquery reference to the master page. Create a style as follows. As you see width is specified as 200px initially. Later using the JQuery 200px is replaced with width of dvScreenWidth div. Add a div to measure the screen width. Add another div around the GridView. This div display the scroll bar. Add the following JQuery scrip. Script will get the width of the dvScreenWidth div and replace the width of dvGridWidth div.Populate the Gridview w ith dummy data. Populate the Gridview with dummy data. ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: GridView 水平 滚动 源码