文件名称: python核心编程(2th en)
  所属分类: Python
  文件大小: 11mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-07-10
  提 供 者: yp***
 详细说明: At the time the first edition was published, Python was entering its second era with the release of version 2.0. Since then, the language has seen significant improvements contributing to the overall continuing success and acceptance of the language. Deficiencies have been removed and new features added that bring a new level of power and sophistication to Python developers worldwide. We are thrilled to be able to update this book yet still deliver easy reading along with comprehensive coverage of the exciting new features. This book includes changes to Python 2.5, released in the fall of 2006, and even some pre-announced features of 2.6 and beyond. As in the first edition, we aim to keep all of the topics relevant for readers regardless of the Python version you are using, extending the lifetime of this book, retarding its obsolescence. Python is slowly going to be transitioning to the next big version change with a release affectionately called "Python 3000" by its creator, Guido van Rossum. This is just the marketing name for Python 3.0, or "Py3K" for short. It will be developed in parallel with the remaining 2.x releases. There will be some incompatibilities with older versions of Python; however, the core team will work hard to ensure that code will be backwards-compatible for the most part. (This is in tradition with any new Python release.) Look mostly for interesting additions to the language as well as the disappearance of old design flaws and deprecated features. We will continue to update the book's Web site with white papers, updates, and other related articles to keep Core Python Programming as contemporary as possible, regardless of which new release of Python you have migrated to. ...展开收缩



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