文件名称: Professional Android Programming with Mono for Android and .NET/C#
  所属分类: Android
  文件大小: 21mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-07-22
  提 供 者: night*****
 详细说明: Wrox Press, 2012 SINCE ITS INTRODUCTION IN THE FALL of 2008, Android has grown and matured to the point where it is currently the number one smartphone platform in terms of shipments worldwide. Along with that growth is an interest in writing applications that run natively on the device and that take advantage of the device’s features, such as the camera and voice recognition. Since the release of the .NET Framework in January 2002, its growth has been impressive. It is the most popular development framework in use today. Whil e the .NET Framework was in initial development, Miguel de Icaza, who worked for Ximian, created his own C# compiler, and from that the Mono framework was born. In 2003, Novell purchased Ximian. In 2011, Attachmate purchased Novell. Later in 2011, Xamarin was formed and all of the products associated with Mono, MonoTouch, Mono for Android, and MonoDevelop were transferred to Xamarin. The payoff for us as developers is that Xamarin is laser-focused on Mono for Android and MonoTouch, and on making those the best products available for development on mobile with Android and iPhone. Throughout all of this, the Mono framework has grown to run across various platforms. Initially, Mono was designed to run on Linux. Since that time, Mono has branched out and is available across several non-Windows platforms. In the summer of 2009, the MonoTouch framework was shipped. This allowed developers to write applications with the .NET Framework and using the C# language to run applications written for the iPhone. In February 2010, de Icaza confi rmed on his blog that the Mono team were working on an implementation of Mono for Android similar in concept to MonoTouch. This implementation initially was called MonoDroid and fi nally was named Mono for Android. To .NET developers, the ability to write applications in C# using many of the existing APIs that they are already familiar with is very attractive. .NET developers are not required to learn the ins and outs of the Java language, nor are they required to learn the Eclipse IDE. .NET developers can stay within the Visual Studio IDE that they are already accustomed to, use the C# language that they already know, make calls in the .NET Framework that they are already familiar with, and create an application for the Android platform. I’m excited about the possibilities that this offers. The ability to run natively on the device should not be understated. HTML5 is a great emerging standard for providing applications. Frameworks that are being built will take advantage of what the web browser allows. Unfortunately, it has several problems. For example, a web application cannot access all of the device, so currently you can’t access the camera or voice recognition or run applications in the background. Also, HTML5 won’t be a full and accepted standard for several years. amazon link:http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1118026438/buythisbooks-20 ...展开收缩



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