文件名称: TC7英文文档
  所属分类: 软件测试
  文件大小: 14mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2012-09-28
  提 供 者: sf64*****
 详细说明: About TestComplete Today automated testing plays a vital role in many software development projects. Automated testing has long been thought critical for large software development organizations, but is often considered to be too expensive and difficult to implement for smaller companies. AutomatedQA’s TestComplete breaks this stereotype. It delivers automated functional, unit, regression, manual, data-driven, object-driven, distributed and HTTP load, stress and scalability testing in one easy-to-use and totally integrated packa ge at an affordable price. TestComplete is a full-featured environment for automated testing of Windows, .NET, Java, WPF (XAML) applications, web pages, web servers and web services. It has been designed to free developers and QA departments from the massive drain on time and energy required by manual testing. TestComplete offers systematic, automated, and structured testing, with superior support for .NET, Java, Visual C++, Visual Basic, WPF (XAML), Delphi, C++Builder and web applications. It is equally oriented for testing 32-bit and 64-bit applications. With TestComplete you can also test PowerBuilder, FoxPro, Access and other applications. TestComplete is the ultimate solution to perform nightly tests and to help you get reliable daily builds of your software. TestComplete tools and features let every member of your team, developers and nondevelopers, no matter how technically savvy, contribute to your testing projects. Once you start using TestComplete, you will be able to turn every test run into a key contribution to your overall development efforts. TestComplete will keep your projects on schedule and on spec, the team confident, and the work 100% productive. With TestComplete you and your team can implement comprehensive software testing strategies, “automating the non-automatable” for maximum return on investment: “In my opinion, [TestComplete] is a must-have tool for any software developer who believes in applying a rigorous testing methodology to his products. The ability to work with Visual C++, Visual Basic, C++Builder, Delphi, Java and .NET applications means that you’re virtually getting several tools in one, and the wide variety of scripting languages means you can work in whatever language you’re most comfortable with. Even if you have no interest in automated testing procedures, [TestComplete’s] fascinating ability to ‘automate the non-automatable’ is sure to find a use on your desktop!” Dave Jewell, Delphi Magazine ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: TestComplete