文件名称: AlphaControl 8.13 Source
  所属分类: Delphi
  文件大小: 6mb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2013-04-10
  提 供 者: lingw*****
 详细说明: 3rd-party components For support in the project, a required 3rd-party controls must be declared in the SkinManager.ThirdParty property. Use a special design-time editor for handy adding of required controls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of supported components : - Standard VCL (TPanel, TEdit, TMemo, TListBox, TComboBox, TMaskEdit, TStringGrid, TDrawGrid, TCheckListBox, TRichEdit, THotKey, TTreeView, TListView, TDBGrid, TDBEdit, TDBMemo, TDBListBox, TDBLookupListBox, TD BRichEdit, TGroupBox, TButton, TCheckBox, TRadioButton and others) - Windows system dialogs (File open/save, Font dialog, Color dialog and others) - DevExpress grids and other controls which supports LookAndFeel technology - RXLib (TCurrencyEdit, TTextListBox, TRxRichEdit, TRxDrawGrid, TRxDBGrid, TRxDBLookupList, TRxDBRichEdit and others) - JVCL (JvValidateEdit, JvEdit, JvMemo, JvRichEdit and others) - EhLib controls - TPNGImageList - TntControls Unicode - Most TMS edits and grids - Billenium effects - TSynEdit, TSynMemo, TDBSynEdit - Virtual Controls (TVirtualStringTree and TVirtualDrawTree) - most Woll2Woll InfoPower 4000 controls - TmxFlatEdit, TmxFlatFloatEdit, TmxFlatMaskEdit, TmxFlatMemo, TmxFlatRichEdit, TmxFlatListBox, TmxFlatDirectoryListBox, TmxFlatFileListBox, mxFlatCheckListBox and others - ImageEn library - TRichView, TRichViewEdit, TDBRichViewEdit and TDBRichView - TVirtualExplorerListView, TVirtualExplorerTreeview - Raize controls (TRzPanel, TRzGroupBox, TRzEdit, TRzMaskEdit, TRzNumericEdit, TRzExpandEdit, TRzHotKeyEdit, TRzTreeView, TRzCheckTree, TRzMemo, TRzRichEdit, TRzShellTree, TRzShellList, TRzRankListBox, TRzListBox, TRzTabbedListBox, TRzCheckList, TRzEditListBox, TRzComboBox, TRzImageComboBox, TRzMRUComboBox, TRzShellCombo, TRzLabel, TRzURLLabel, TRzDateTimeEdit) - TWebBrowser -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some instructions for 3rd-party features using in the AlphaControls full release : 1. Most standard and 3rd-party controls Skinned automatically if required controls are declared in the SkinManager.ThirdParty property and SkinManager.SkinningRules.srThirdParty property is true 2. TntControls Unicode Most controls from AlphaControls package may have support of Unicode (in Delphi6-2009). In this case used the TntControls package (thanks TNT authors, TntControls must be installed already). For using this feature should be uncommented the TNTUNICODE key in the sDefs.inc file (should be {$DEFINE TNTUNICODE}) and AlphaControls package must be reinstalled (sources needed). Note : don't forget backup all projects before opening after package installation, some Unicode data may be lost if compiled without TNTUNICODE key. 3. TPngImageList Since version 6 AlphaControls have native support of PNG format (TsAlphaImageList was added also). Buttons and menus from AlphaControls have support of TPngImageList component also. For work with this component the USEPNG key should be defined in the sDefs.inc file (must be {$DEFINE USEPNG}). TPNGImageList is a freeware component with sources that may be used for work with PNG glyphs in any application. May be downloaded from http://www.thany.org/article/32/PngComponents 4. DevExpress grids and other controls - Install DevExpress and AlphaControls - Enable the 'DEVEX6' or 'DEVEX2011' key in the sDefs.inc file (AlphaControls), must be {$DEFINE DEVEX6} - Be sure that latest version of DevExpress is installed, or check a list of supported DevExpress versions in the beginning of the acLFPainter.pas file (AlphaControls) - Configure the sSkinManager component and compile the project. In the run-time will be skinned all DevExpress controls which have LookAndFeel property properly supported. LookAndFeel.NativeStyle property must be False. 'DEVEX' key must be enabled (in the sDefs.inc file) before AlphaControls installing (must be {$DEFINE DEVEX}). 5. Billenium Effects This package is supported authomatically 6. TWebBrowser The ADDWEBBROWSER key should be enabled in the sDefs.inc file before a package installing. Sources of the package are required. TWebBrowser type should be added in sSkinManager1.ThirdParty list as 'WebBrowser' ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: AlphaControl 8.13破解版