文件名称: 基于FSD Pyramid的图像融合算法程序
  所属分类: 其它
  文件大小: 11kb
  下载次数: 0
  上传时间: 2013-04-16
  提 供 者: u0103*****
 详细说明: function Y = fuse_fsd(M1, M2, zt, ap, mp) %Y = fuse_fsd(M1, M2, zt, ap, mp) image fusion with fsd pyramid % % M1 - input image A % M2 - input image B % zt - maximum decomposition level % ap - coefficient selection highpass (see selc.m) % mp - coefficient selection base image (see selb.m) % % Y - fused image % (Oliver Rockinger 16.08.99) % check inputs [z1 s1] = size(M1); [z2 s2] = size(M2); if (z1 ~= z2) | (s1 ~= s2) error('Input images are not of same size'); end; % define filter w = [1 4 6 4 1] / 16; % cells for selected images E = cell(1,zt); % loop over decomposition depth -> analysis for i1 = 1:zt % calculate and store actual image size [z s] = size(M1); zl(i1) = z; sl(i1) = s; % check if image expansion necessary if (floor(z/2) ~= z/2), ew(1) = 1; else, ew(1) = 0; end; if (floor(s/2) ~= s/2), ew(2) = 1; else, ew(2) = 0; end; % perform expansion if necessary if (any(ew)) M1 = adb(M1,ew); M2 = adb(M2,ew); end; % perform filtering G1 = conv2(conv2(es2(M1,2), w, 'valid'),w', 'valid'); G2 = conv2(conv2(es2(M2,2), w, 'valid'),w', 'valid'); % select coefficients and store them E(i1) = {selc(M1-G1, M2-G2, ap)}; % decimate M1 = dec2(G1); M2 = dec2(G2); end; % select base coefficients of last decompostion stage M1 = selb(M1,M2,mp); % loop over decomposition depth -> synthesis for i1 = zt:-1:1 % undecimate and interpolate M1T = conv2(conv2(es2(undec2(M1), 2), 2*w, 'valid'), 2*w', 'valid'); % add coefficients M1 = M1T + E{i1}; % select valid image region M1 = M1(1:zl(i1),1:sl(i1)); end; % copy image Y = M1; ...展开收缩



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 相关搜索: 图像融合